help page


General overview of expression profiles across cell-types and cytokines.

- Select a custom set of individual cell-types.
- Select the Cytokine(s) to display.
- Enter a Gene Symbol to display the expression profiles.
Geneset Expression
See how your list of genes is expressed across cell-types and cytokines exposure.

1- select the populations by navigating the Immgen population tree.
2- Input a list of gene symbols (copy/paste a list, or drag/drop the icon of a file in .txt format).
3-Display an interactive heatmap.
Chromatin accessibility
Show cytokine-induced changes in chromatin accessibility on the UCSC genome browser.

Predicted regulatory network (IFN only)
Show regulator/target predictions for IFN-responsive genes.

- Choose between regulators or target genes.
- Enter a gene symbol to display a list of predicetd genes by ranked score.
- Clicking on a bar will shift the display the targets related to this regulator.
Download selected “Signature” gene sets that are induced or repressed by a given cytokine. Individual cytokine Up (or Down) signature gene sets selected for change in at least one of the cell-types (FC > 1.5 and pval>3).
  All FC are straight, all p.values as –log10 (t.test on log-transformed expression values).


Caution: The tables show all transcripts induced in at least one cell-type by a given cytokine, but not all genes are induced in any one cell. May need to order and filter those effectively responsive in the cell-type of interest.